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The importance of dairy products for health

The importance of dairy products for health

30 march 2015

Throughout the world, more than six billion people are consuming milk and dairy products. In addition, more than 750 million people live and work in the environment of dairy farms. Range of dairy products varies greatly from region to region, depending on the nutrition, the available technologies for milk processing, market demand and socio-cultural conditions.

Nevertheless, we all know that milk, butter, cottage cheese, yoghurt and other dairy products - all contribute to the human body by supplying the following nutrients:

  • Calcium - for healthy bones and teeth
  • Phosphorus - to release energy
  • Magnesium - for muscle functions
  • Protein - for growth and recovery
  • Vitamin B12 - for the production of healthy cells
  • Vitamin A - for a good vision and immune functions
  • Zinc - for immune functions
  • Riboflavin - for a healthy skin
  • Vitamin C - for the formation of healthy connective tissue
  • Iodine - to control the speed of metabolism

One glass of milk, 20 grams of butter make their contribution to the recommended daily consumption standard of essential nutrients for all age groups.

Healthy bones

Dairy products provide us calcium, which is needed for the development and strengthening of our bones. In particular, it is important for children and adolescents. Optimizing bone mass in this age group can help to reduce the risk of osteoporosis in adult life.


The flow of sufficient quantities of protein, minerals, and vitamins with food provides complete formation of tooth buds and maturing of enamel of erupted teeth, which increases their resistance to caries, so the nutrition of a child must include milk, sour cream, yoghurt and other dairy products.

Blood pressure

Balanced diet, which includes fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products allows you to reduce your blood pressure.

Cardiovascular disease

Consumption of milk and dairy products reduces the risk of heart attack. In addition, dairy products normalize the activity of gastrointestinal tract.


Nutritional experts recommend drinking 6 - 8 glasses of fluid per day. Milk contains a high percentage of water, which makes it an additional tool for rehydration.

Food habits

It has been proven that people who consume dairy products from an early age, form healthy dietary habits during adult life.

Interesting facts

  • It is expected that in South Asia consumption of milk and dairy products will increase by 125 percent by the year 2030.
  • In Russia, people were first to learn how to make sour cream and cottage cheese, Ukrainians - clotted cream (varenets), and Kazakhs - ayran.
  • The productions of one kilogram of butter needs 21 litres of milk.
  • The productions of one kilogram of cheese needs 10 litres of milk.
  • The first glass packaging for milk appeared in 1870.

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