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Estonia and Japan: supply of dairy products

01 march 2015

Enterprises from Estonia have entered into contracts with the Japanese trading company Marubeni Corporation to supply milk powder and cheese.

From the Estonian side, the contracts were signed by AS Tere and AS E-Piim. According to the minister for foreign trade and enterprise development Ann Sulling: "The goal is to supply to Japan 5000 tons of rennet cheese per year, which constitutes 25% of production, and 5000 tons of milk powder. In this way, we intend to move to the Japanese market the entire volume of dairy products, which was previously exported to Russia".

Japanese Marubeni Corporation is interested in cooperation with Estonia and is happy with the high quality of dairy products.

Headquarters of Marubeni Corporation are located in Tokio and Osaka. This corporation has 30 branched all over Japan and 158 offices in 79 countries of the world.

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